Computer Parts 101

-The motherboard, often called mobo, is the circuit board to which
the other parts of the computer are connected. It serves as the
“back bone” of the computer.
-The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is considered to be the
fundamental part of a computer. Its main purpose is to execute a
sequence of instructions. The CPU “fetches” an instruction which
determines what the CPU is supposed to do. The CPU then decodes this
instruction so that each part of the CPU would have a task to do.
Next, the CPU, as a whole, executes the step determined by the
instruction through logical operations. Finally, the CPU “writes
back” the output into computer memory. The CPU is directly connected
to the motherboard.
-The Random access memory (RAM) is a type of computer memory that
stores data of running programs. The capacity of RAM is relatively
small compared to other storage devices but the data in the RAM are
accessed faster than in storage devices although the data is lost
once the power is cut off. Having more RAM means that a computer
can run more programs at the same time thus increasing performance.
RAM chips are placed directly on the RAM slots of the motherboard

Hard Drive
-The Hard disk drive, or Hard Drive for short is a magnetic storage device with
capacities vastly greater than RAM. The data in a hard drive is accessed slower than
that of RAM but it is non-volatile meaning data will not be lost
even without power supply. Hard drives are connected to the
motherboard via IDE/SATA cables.

Optical Disc Drive
-The disc drive is a peripheral device which uses lenses and
laser light to read and write data on optical discs. The most common
optical drives today are the CD drive and the DVD drive. Like the
hard drive, the optical disc drive is connected to the motherboard
using IDE/SATA cables.

Video Card
-A video card is a special circuit board responsible for the sending
of graphical information to a monitor to be displayed. Some
computers have built-in video cards in their motherboards that
“share” or uses memory from the RAM while some have dedicated video
cards that have their own memory. Dedicated video cards are
connected directly to the motherboard.


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