White Box: PC-based robotics?

One of the more interesting companies entering the personal robotics space is White Box Robotics, which is planning to “…create and develop PC-BOTs — plug-and-play robots created almost entirely from off-the-shelf computer parts.”

The Model 914 PC-BOT is their first product, and features a raft of advanced features: speech recognition/synthesis, object recognition and vision-based navigation. The architecture of the robot is based entirely on common PC hardware standards, so it uses PCI slots, standard drive bays, common connectors for CD-ROM drives, etc. It’s a promising idea, and other companies are thinking the same thing: White Box joined forces in May 2005 with Ontario-based Frontline Robotics, a firm which manufactures mobile security robots. Another bonus: Whether intentional or not, model 914 also bears a passing resemblence to the squat, beloved R2 units featured so prominently in the Star Wars films. Check out the White Box website here and founder Tom Burick’s blog here.

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Local Computer Sales & Service

What Classix Computers can do for you:

  • Computer Repair
  • New Computer Sales
  • New Computer Setup
  • Computer Classes (coming soon)
  • Business Networking
  • Residential Networking
  • Web Hosting
  • Web Page setup
  • Ebay auction services
  • Computer Parts
  • Computer Accessories
  • Online help forum
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Acrylic Cowboy Series

For everybody who like to build and upgrade easily his / her computer GeekStuff4U have a original option, the Acrylic Cowboy Series.
Acrylic Cowboy is a computer case that make it easy to get at your computer's parts and watch it run.
This is the ideal solution for computers professional and for all computers geeks.
Choose the best Acrylic Cowboy PC case from GeekStuff4U
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Computer Parts Art

What do you do with those old and useless motherboards, mouse and keyboards? Turn them into art of course. Check out 19 more pics of computer parts art after the jump.
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Works of Art Made From Computer Parts

It’s a shame when outdated computers end up in the landfill, so we applaud anyone who devises a way to keep them from ending up there. Better yet are those that find a way to not only keep them out, but resurrect what was termed “junk” into pieces of beauty. Here are 10 wonderful pieces of artwork made from discarded computer parts
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I Just Got Older Today

Hi Guys! Just back from Sim Lim ( A Local Computer Mall ), bought a new stylus with mouse pad and new headphones! It was sure a nice birthday today as I finally upgraded my computer =) Here’s photo of my new Atomic Computer Machine =)
Also I actually went to upgrade my computer terminal too by upgrading it myself by buying some computer parts.

Total in all cost me SGD$1,200 for all the upgrades including the big 19inch LCD panel =) Really happy with my new computer now so I can process my Internet stuff much faster now.

After the trip back home, I was suprised when my sister bought a birthday cake for me =)

I really like to thank god for for filling my dream to be able to use my blogging skills and earn a full time income to support my dad and mum =)

To my mum and dad thanks for all the support you have given me and taking the time to look after me. To my sis and bro thanks for being very supportive and help me in all aspects of my life. To my closest friends thanks for all your well wishes and also thanks to all my students for your well wishes and support too =)

May I wish 2007 be the year where I will be able to be able to achieve my goal sooner to purse my dream of able to bring my family to fly all over the world =)

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What Is Computer Hardware?

Motherboard - A computer’s motherboard is affectionate of like its axial afraid system. It is the basic that ties calm all of the added apparatus axial a claimed computer (PC), acceptance anniversary basic to forward signals and acquaint with anniversary other....
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Mona Lisa Made Out Of Computer Parts

Similar to a photomosaic, which is a large picture made up of many small ones, this Mona Lisa is made up hundreds of computer parts instead. Titled Technology Smiling, the artwork was displayed at a technology exhibition last Thursday in Beijing.
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Recycled Computer Parts Art

Artist Richard H. Freund has transformed himself from software hacker to eco friendly artist by disassembling old discarded PC and Apple computers and using the techniques of collage, assemblage and and sculpture to make his masterpieces. Check out his website to see some functional pieces (clocks) and many decorative works like wierd sculptured bugs, freaky masks and collages of diskettes.
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Computer Parts 101

-The motherboard, often called mobo, is the circuit board to which
the other parts of the computer are connected. It serves as the
“back bone” of the computer.
-The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is considered to be the
fundamental part of a computer. Its main purpose is to execute a
sequence of instructions. The CPU “fetches” an instruction which
determines what the CPU is supposed to do. The CPU then decodes this
instruction so that each part of the CPU would have a task to do.
Next, the CPU, as a whole, executes the step determined by the
instruction through logical operations. Finally, the CPU “writes
back” the output into computer memory. The CPU is directly connected
to the motherboard.
-The Random access memory (RAM) is a type of computer memory that
stores data of running programs. The capacity of RAM is relatively
small compared to other storage devices but the data in the RAM are
accessed faster than in storage devices although the data is lost
once the power is cut off. Having more RAM means that a computer
can run more programs at the same time thus increasing performance.
RAM chips are placed directly on the RAM slots of the motherboard

Hard Drive
-The Hard disk drive, or Hard Drive for short is a magnetic storage device with
capacities vastly greater than RAM. The data in a hard drive is accessed slower than
that of RAM but it is non-volatile meaning data will not be lost
even without power supply. Hard drives are connected to the
motherboard via IDE/SATA cables.

Optical Disc Drive
-The disc drive is a peripheral device which uses lenses and
laser light to read and write data on optical discs. The most common
optical drives today are the CD drive and the DVD drive. Like the
hard drive, the optical disc drive is connected to the motherboard
using IDE/SATA cables.

Video Card
-A video card is a special circuit board responsible for the sending
of graphical information to a monitor to be displayed. Some
computers have built-in video cards in their motherboards that
“share” or uses memory from the RAM while some have dedicated video
cards that have their own memory. Dedicated video cards are
connected directly to the motherboard.

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Need New Components?

Building your own PC? Need computer parts? Ambassador Computers stocks most of the basic parts and supplies you need to keep your desktop or laptop PC going:

  • Mother Boards
  • Cooling & Case Fans
  • Power Supplies
  • CD/DVD Drives
    • Hard Drives
    • Memory
    • Cases
    • Modems
    • Routers
    • Switches
    • Sound Cards
    • Graphics Cards
    • NIC Cards
    • Cables

    Ambassador Computers strives to be your complete source for computer parts and supplies. If you don’t see what you need, contact us and if we don’t have it in stock we can order for you. Need it fast? We can expedite your special order 2nd day or overnight.

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PC Computer Parts, Peripherials, Acceccories

Transparent P-IV Case, with aquarium side-panel,USB2.0, LEDs light, mini speaker, 3pcs colorful light fans, 4pcs CD covers and 2pcs Floppy covers on front panel.
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Buy Branded Computers at Wholesale Prices!

If you have are in the market for a new computer, you have probably noticed that most brand name computers today are very expensive. You might also have heard that prices of computer components have fallen drastically. For example, the price of memory boards and processors have hit an all time low because of the many enhancements done in manufacturing processes of electronic manufacturers.

The various ranges of prices for electronic goods such as mother boards and other assorted computer parts have also decreased significantly over the months as a result of these technological advances. Despite these advances, computer manufacturers and computer retailers are in the business to make profits and brand name computers will remain expensive.

Fortunately, anyone can still find a quality computer system without spending a fortune. Simply find a computer dealer who specializes in wholesale computer parts and components. To get the best quality system available and save money, many people are building their own computer using parts purchased from a wholesale distributor. It is a common misconception that components purchased from a wholesale distributor are in some way inferior to the components available in brand name computers and honestly, I used to be one of those people.

Before I learned the truth from an IT Professional, I believed that economical and inferior manufacturers used wholesale distributors to offload their inferior components on unsuspecting customers. My views changed when my computer crashed on me and I sought out a repair technician at a local authorized dealer. The best quote I was able to find still seemed exorbitant and definitely did not fit into my tight budget. I was in a desperate situation without my computer, so I swallowed my pride and opened up the yellow pages and found a local wholesale distributor who specializes in computer parts. Against my better judgment, and because funds were very low, I packed up my computer and made the trip across town.

Imagine my surprise when I arrived to find that this shop wasn’t just a wholesale computer parts distributor, he actually had his own repair service and I didn’t have to make an appointment for 2 weeks later. He quickly diagnosed my problem and gave me a repair quote that was a fraction of what the authorized and retail dealer had given me. Naturally, I was suspicious of the significant price difference, so as I considered his offer, I cautiously surveyed the computer parts on display. The technician sensed my hesitation, so to ease my mind and make my decision easier, he cracked open my computer. After clearing away the dust and cobwebs, he showed me that the replacement parts on his shelf were exactly the same as the parts the manufacturer used to build my computer. He then went on to explain how the wholesale and wholesaler computer parts business worked.

He patiently and throughly explained that as a general rule, computer parts manufacturers make more parts than ordered by a brand name computer manufacturer. This is a built in quality control feature to ensure that a sudden increase in demand or a quality issue can be handled and processed very quickly and efficiently. After the order is filled and the excess parts are no longer needed, they are sold to wholesale distributors at deep discounts. The wholesale distributors then pass the discounts on these perfectly good computer parts to users like you and me.

So instead of shaking your head at the high process of brand name computers in your local superstore, take a look through your phone book, or favorite search engine, and find a quality wholesale distributor that specializes in computer parts. You’ll save money and get exactly what you want in your new computer at a fraction of the cost. You may not even have to replace your old computer; the dealer can show you how to save more money by upgrading your old beat up computer system.

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RECYCLED GEEKWEAR: old computer parts given new life!

Wondering what to do with all those old floppy disks, scratched CDs and random computer parts you can’t get yourself to throw away? Check out the clocks, notebooks and jewelry the clever folks at Acorn Studioshave fashioned from old keyboard keys, circuit boards and floppy disks for a little inspiration. Acorn Studios transforms electronic waste into fun gifts perfect for computer geeks and eco-friendly consumers.
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Object Art from Old Computer Parts

What does a burnt motherboard or dead monitor mean for a regular computer user? Most probably, it is just crap and are thrown to the garbage on the same day. Artists are tend to see the objects in more creative way. Brenda Guyton has created animals like rabbits, dogs, iguanas from these crap, unused, broken computer and electronics parts. Here are two of them. Jack the rabbit and a K-9 dog. His nose is from a radar detector and it looks quite cutech. These two animals are sold at high prices, $2,800 for each but there are more simple and less priced sculptures for a few hundred bucks as well.
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A Smart Buyer's Guide to Refurbished Computer Parts

As much as buying brand new hardware is fun, sometimes it's just as well to buy an older part or machine. The wonders of the net have allowed us access to computer parts that would otherwise be obsolete; it's a treasure trove of eclectic old parts, which are necessary when you want to keep a legacy machine going.

This is especially important in regard to "enterprise parts" like servers and routers, because many companies invest tens of thousands of dollars in systems which only run on particular components. "Upgrading" to an entirely new system would cost a company millions, so it's essential they have access to older parts long after they've been discontinued.

The need to keep legacy systems going spurred an entire industry furnishing customers with used, refurbished and unused parts. As mentioned before, the internet has helped this along greatly. However, the internet has also made it easier to pass off counterfeit parts as authentic for unassuming buyers. When it comes to buying older parts, buyers can be a bit bit confused in looking for clues to an items authenticity. Thanks to guidelines provided by Pyramid technology services, a company reputed for its quality refurbished computer parts, we can offer some tips:

From the source:

  1. "Look at the color of the serial number. Cisco's own color is a yellow-orange; counterfeits are darker. The numbers may appear crowded and even rub off on the phony items."
  2. "LEDs on blades should all be the same size."
  3. "Watch the color on loop-back buttons on wan interface cards: it should be dull, not bright red."
  4. "Real cisco boards usually have solder points covered with nickel-zinc, not copper, as seen on counterfeits."
  5. "Inside the RJ-45 connector, cisco parts will have the word "Steward," not "GLG."
  6. Always deal with a well-established value added reseller. Look for a dealer who rigorously tests everything and who backs up sales with a warranty."
  7. "Stick with sellers who belong to the ASCDI (the Association of service and computer dealers International). They have an established code of ethics and an arbitration procedure in place for any problems that might arise. "
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Feature: Creative Uses for Old Computer Parts

Have some old trackball mice laying around? Turn it into a sculpture. Continue reading for a gallery of strange yet fascinating creations.
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good quality computer parts

Product Name good quality computer parts Brand expert trading Country of Origin algeria Pricing
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Computer Parts Combo 4 in 1

Computer Parts Combo 4 in 1


Optical Mouse



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Computers and their Accessories

Building a computer by using cheap computer parts is not as hard as you think. By doing good research and having a laundry list of what you want in your computer will save you money and give you a great computer at the same time.

Assembling your own computer using cheap computer parts has become very popular. Nobody wants to waste cash on things they don't really need at this point. You never know what will happen tomorrow. I would say what I intend to buy for people, but they may be reading this article! As for yourself it seems you are in need of computer parts. You probably want high quality and a very good price before you will pull out your wallet. In light of this you are best off looking in the budget and best overall sections of my reviews. At the moment, I only talk about parts within a computer, but later I will expand to things that connect to it when given time.

Build Your Own Computer

cheap computer parts are an excellent way to source out and build your own computer. Most people are of the opinion that these parts are in some way inferior to the ones available in branded computers. As for me I always assumed that dealers in these parts used this as a means for cheap and inefficient computer manufacturers to offload their low-grade stock on unsuspecting consumers.

Price/performance ratio drives a lot of budget minded computer buyers. The logic is that by buying something that's a little bit behind the "state of the art", you can get a reasonable machine for a modest budget.

If you have been looking around for a new computer system on the market, you get bewildered with the whole package's price when in fact certain sectors to the manufacture of computers have costs reduction. Memory, in the least, had its prices greatly cut down by reason of the development in producing large volumes of memory among manufacturers.

Various Computer Parts

Mother boards and other various computer parts have their cost significantly reduced also. Business usually means making good profits. This is the reason why good computers from the equally branded computer manufacturers continue to be costly regardless of the price decrease of computer parts.

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Computer Components

The Important Components of a Computer

A computer is a programmable machine that was introduced as a tool to facilitate mathematical calculations many decades ago. Today it has become one of the most essential devices that you find in every office and in almost every house. It is now an important source to gain and share knowledge and information from and to all the parts of the world.

Modern computers are electronic and digital; they are more advanced and are being upgraded frequently. Many new versions of the operating systems are constantly being introduced for better applications and better functions for the users. They are always more advanced forms of the earlier versions.

The general components of all the computers are almost the same. The main characteristic of a computer is that it can respond to certain specific sets of instructions in a very well defined manner. The computer can execute all the prerecorded instructions. External devices like the frame and panel, wires, transistors, and the circuits are the parts of the hardware, and the data, instructions, programs, etc. of the computer are known as its software.

A computer is nothing but a machine that manipulates the data according to the type of instructions given to it. Technology has become so much advanced that a simple computer can now be fitted to a wrist watch and can function with the help of the watch battery. The capacity to store and execute the list of instructions and functions that are known as programs makes the computermore versatile and extremely distinguished.

Any type of numerical or data based problem can be solved within a second with the help of a computer. All the computers, in general, require the same hardware components: the memory storage devices, input device, output device, and the Central Processing Unit (CPU). The entire package of the hardware components enables the computer to work efficiently.

The software can be obtained according to your requirements. Computers are generally differentiated by their size and power. The most important feature that distinguishes the computer from other machines is that it can be programmed according to your use and need.

Let us discuss the application of computer from a business and organization point of view. Many multinational companies have been benefited with the help of the computer. In many companies they use two central processing units to create a multipurpose configuration so that the computer can divide the work load.

The computer can be made more useful by adding many other external devices such as the printer, fax machine, speakers, etc. With the help of the internet connection you can get access to the latest information and the events that are going on all over the world. All the latest updates and information appear on the screen of your monitor with a single click.

The computer is regarded as the most essential device to carry out our daily task more smoothly and with ease. If you do not have one, it is high time you got one, since it will benefit you in the various aspects of your work.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for computers, laptops and software. When shopping for used computers, used laptops and used software, we recommend you shop at only the best online stores for used computer, usedcomputer.

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Computer Part Art

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computer parts Match Search Result

computer parts

Product Name computer parts Brand original Country of Origin china Model compu

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Computer Parts Robot Guy

Here comes a little robot guy from Etsy which its arms, legs, head and body are all made from recycled computer parts.

Not a bad choice as a gift for the special geek in your life. The Computer Parts Robot Guy’s eyes are made from an old IBM tape drive, his lovely smile is an old USB 4 port hub, his body is a 3 1/2 inch floppy disk, and lastly arms & legs are recycled computer memory. And it’s mounted to a recycled acrylic stand. Standing it at 7 1/4 inches tall by 3 1/2 wide.

It carries a price tag of $19.99. I think it should be pretty easy for geeks like us to pick up a few obsolete or malfunctioned parts at our work place and glue them up into this little cute piece of artwork. All you need is only the patience.

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P.C. (Personal Computer) HARDWARE COMPONENTS


Hardware: the physical parts that make up the computer (everything we can 'see and touch').

Software: not physical, this includes the programs, or applications needed for the functioning and operation of the system.




Devices that allow the user to enter information into the PC (keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc.)

Devices that allow the computer to communicate with the user (monitor, printer, etc.)


The keyboard has four defined zones,

  • Main Typing Area: Takes up the largest area of the keyboard, and includes the alphabet letters. It resembles a traditional typewriter.

  • Numeric Keypad: Placed on the right part of the keyboard. Similar to a calculator keyboard.

  • Edition keys: Located between the numeric keypad and the main typing area. It is very useful to move within texts and edit documents.

  • Function Keys: Situated horizontally at the top of the keyboard. These keys are 'shortcuts' to perform specific tasks within different applications.

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Parts of a computer

Here is a list of items that connect to the system internally and externally

Update risks - The risk of installing hardware and software updates

Items that are not considered part of the computer but plugs into the computer

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Computer Parts and Their Functions

This lesson is designed to introduce computer parts to students. They will identify and classify the parts of the computer.
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What's Inside and How to Install it

Computer have many parts, each of them has a name, the following are some of the names of the major parts. The following guide is to show you the parts and talk about how to install them.

A computer is made up of a case, also called a chassis, which houses several internal components, and the external components, including peripherals.

  • Power Supply/PSUpower supply unit, converts outlet power, which is alternating current (AC), to direct current (DC), which is what the internal components require, as well as providing appropriate voltages and currents for the various internal components.
  • Motherboard/mainboard – As the name indicates, this is the electronic centerpiece of the computer, everything else connects to the motherboard.
  • Processor/CPUcentral processing unit, the "brain" of the computer, most actual computation takes place here.
  • RAMrandom access memory, the "short-term memory" of a computer, used by the CPU to store program instructions and data upon which it is currently operating. Data in RAM is lost when the computer is powered off, thus necessitating a hard drive.
  • Hard Drive/Hard Disk – the "long-term memory" of the computer, used for persistent storage – i.e. the things stored on it remain even when the computer is powered down. The operating system, and all your programs and data are stored here.
  • Optical Drive – device for reading/writing optical disks. May read CDs, DVDs, or other optical media, depending on the type. It is essential for installing many operating systems and programs. It may be able to write some of these discs, as well. Some people like to have two such drives for copying disks.
  • Video Card/Graphics Card/GPU – does processing relating to video output. Some motherboards have an "onboard" GPU built in so you don’t need (but may add) a separate video card. Otherwise, you will need a video card. These plug into a slot on the motherboard and provide a place to connect a monitor to your computer.

On top of the internal components listed above, you will also need these external components:

  • Keyboard – for typing on. Many motherboards won't even boot without a keyboard attached.
  • Mouse – for pointing and clicking. Unless you chose a text-based operating system, you will likely want one of these.
  • Monitor – This is where the pretty pictures go. They come in many forms, the most common being CRT and LCD

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Computer Parts & Components

We supply a complete range of Computer parts & components. Systems builders, resellers and dealers world wide, we offer a one stop solution for all your computer component needs. CPU's, montherborads, memory modules, opticak media CD/DVD drives, VGA cards, computer cases, keyboards, mouse systems, computer montitors, everything that you need to run your computer business. 25 years experience in Computer Component distribution ensures that our customer get only the best components at the best prices.
Borasix has been established since 1983. Begining in Hong Kong as a manufacturer of computer boards, and assembly of Computer systems under the then famous brand of "Micron" and "Fujitech". Our product range has grown as demand from our customers associates had encouraged us to do so. Today we handle more than 3000 products. Ranging from our traditional line of Computer Components, to Motor Bikes, Electrical Generators, Agricultural Equipment, Toys, Fashion and Accessories, and many others...
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We know how helpful and productive computers can be, but we also know how frustrating they can become, especially when the smallest of computer problems hinders the natural life of your business.
Whether you require assistance with the installation of hardware peripherals or resolution of complex computer networking configurations, we provide the highest quality in onsite computer repairs and onsite computer services in Cardiff.
So make sure your time is not wasted fixing computers when you should be taking care of business!Computer-fix is based in Cardiff and are ideally located to serve the S,Wales and West of England area. We deal with all aspects of Pc Repairs from software problems,hardware, and installation,some Pc Repairs are carried out on site,or at our service workshop. Whether you have a personal Desktop Computer, Laptop, or your company has multiple work stations we can offer you a quick efficient cost effective solution to all your pc needs.

  • Windows O/s problems e.g. Windows 2000, XP, Vista
  • Virus Removal
  • Spyware Removal
  • Upgrades ( Motherboards, Processors, Memory, Hard drives, Graphics cards )
  • Password Removal (BIOS and Windows)
  • Software / Hardware installations
  • DVD / CD / Floppy / USB / Media Problems
  • Sound problems
  • Broken connectors USB / COM Ports
  • Power Problems
  • Dead / no power PCs
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