White Box: PC-based robotics?

One of the more interesting companies entering the personal robotics space is White Box Robotics, which is planning to “…create and develop PC-BOTs — plug-and-play robots created almost entirely from off-the-shelf computer parts.”

The Model 914 PC-BOT is their first product, and features a raft of advanced features: speech recognition/synthesis, object recognition and vision-based navigation. The architecture of the robot is based entirely on common PC hardware standards, so it uses PCI slots, standard drive bays, common connectors for CD-ROM drives, etc. It’s a promising idea, and other companies are thinking the same thing: White Box joined forces in May 2005 with Ontario-based Frontline Robotics, a firm which manufactures mobile security robots. Another bonus: Whether intentional or not, model 914 also bears a passing resemblence to the squat, beloved R2 units featured so prominently in the Star Wars films. Check out the White Box website here and founder Tom Burick’s blog here.

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Local Computer Sales & Service

What Classix Computers can do for you:

  • Computer Repair
  • New Computer Sales
  • New Computer Setup
  • Computer Classes (coming soon)
  • Business Networking
  • Residential Networking
  • Web Hosting
  • Web Page setup
  • Ebay auction services
  • Computer Parts
  • Computer Accessories
  • Online help forum
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Acrylic Cowboy Series

For everybody who like to build and upgrade easily his / her computer GeekStuff4U have a original option, the Acrylic Cowboy Series.
Acrylic Cowboy is a computer case that make it easy to get at your computer's parts and watch it run.
This is the ideal solution for computers professional and for all computers geeks.
Choose the best Acrylic Cowboy PC case from GeekStuff4U
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Computer Parts Art

What do you do with those old and useless motherboards, mouse and keyboards? Turn them into art of course. Check out 19 more pics of computer parts art after the jump.
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Works of Art Made From Computer Parts

It’s a shame when outdated computers end up in the landfill, so we applaud anyone who devises a way to keep them from ending up there. Better yet are those that find a way to not only keep them out, but resurrect what was termed “junk” into pieces of beauty. Here are 10 wonderful pieces of artwork made from discarded computer parts
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I Just Got Older Today

Hi Guys! Just back from Sim Lim ( A Local Computer Mall ), bought a new stylus with mouse pad and new headphones! It was sure a nice birthday today as I finally upgraded my computer =) Here’s photo of my new Atomic Computer Machine =)
Also I actually went to upgrade my computer terminal too by upgrading it myself by buying some computer parts.

Total in all cost me SGD$1,200 for all the upgrades including the big 19inch LCD panel =) Really happy with my new computer now so I can process my Internet stuff much faster now.

After the trip back home, I was suprised when my sister bought a birthday cake for me =)

I really like to thank god for for filling my dream to be able to use my blogging skills and earn a full time income to support my dad and mum =)

To my mum and dad thanks for all the support you have given me and taking the time to look after me. To my sis and bro thanks for being very supportive and help me in all aspects of my life. To my closest friends thanks for all your well wishes and also thanks to all my students for your well wishes and support too =)

May I wish 2007 be the year where I will be able to be able to achieve my goal sooner to purse my dream of able to bring my family to fly all over the world =)

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What Is Computer Hardware?

Motherboard - A computer’s motherboard is affectionate of like its axial afraid system. It is the basic that ties calm all of the added apparatus axial a claimed computer (PC), acceptance anniversary basic to forward signals and acquaint with anniversary other....
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